Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Ayra + Eiden + Mirror ^^

One afternoon......
While Eiden and Ayra standing in front of the mirror.....Funny things came by....^^

Charming smile from Ayra when she found that she herself is so adorable~haha!!!

See how excited Eiden was when he saw himself in the mirror ^^

Eiden :" I look smart, don't I?" Hahahaha......^^

Sharing from Nic.....
Young children are very interested on mirrors, especially when they see themselves in the mirrors. Actually mirrors help children to identify themselves easier and develop some of the intellectual concepts. Try up with your children, especially young babies.... they will have long time fun with it ^^


  1. yeah, Nic... totally agreed with u!! my burger likes mirrors soooooo much.... =)


  2. Yeah Kebbie,young children likes mirrors a lot!!! Btw, thanks for support!!!
