Wednesday, October 14, 2009

~Open Day~

Last Sunday was Sri Suria Child Care and Development Centre's 1st year anniversary open day, and together we celebrated Hari Raya, Moon Cake Festival and Deepavali. It was a fun day! Parents, children, friends and families came for the celebration. Here are some pictures that been taken during the day...

Pictures of children through out the year...

'Colam' that done by Teacher Loty and small oil lamp that done by the children...

The classroom...

The baby's room...


Teacher Loty...

Ivy, my sis...(thanks for helping around,she was the camera girl for the day)

Children with the balls pool...

Teacher Jenny preparing for the Musikgarten demo class...

Name tag for everyone...

Lets get ready...

Welcoming speech by Teacher Jenny...

Ilona (Teacher Jenny's daughter) as the demo child...

Parent and son...

Lets make some music with the sticks...

Devi and her son...

Juaner and parents...

Edrien and daddy...

Ka Wei and 'Baba'...

Lets dance with the scarf...

Story telling time....

Parents are joining at the story telling session as well...
Everyone is so concentrating at the story...

How about the outdoor???

Thats Jay!!!

Mummy, I want to cook something...

Even big children are enjoying...

Lets meet Juaner's younger brother...

Ka Wei and brother on the see-saw...

What a charming smile...

How well the sister is taking care on the brother....lovely....

Peace... ^.^v

Sand play time!!!

Justin: "Lets plan out something..."

Ka Wei: "Shall we use this???"

Lets begin the project...

Under constructions...
Almost done...

Done!!! Its a Jelly Tower!!!

Ilona: "Yes???"

New equipment during the open day...the monkey bar!!!

Lets swing~

Lastly, sharing on Child Development with some parents...